Physical Evidence Information

Physical Evidence Cases

(picture top left)
Agriculture is affected in an area where UFO's have been sighted. These sunflowers normally have one flower and are about the height of a man.
NOTE: This French Associate Investigator has seen unusual occurrences including chickens laying eggs with an additional egg and shell inside.

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Abductee defends herself and her children in an unsuccessful attempt

Smith family residence, where an unusual material appeared in the yard forming a geometric pattern..
Personal notes by a HUFON Investigator

I feel as though: the family is telling the truth and are very concerned about the happenings that they have experienced. My gut feelings are that the father, (Mr. Smith) knows more than he is telling. I find it interesting that: I was told that when they called HUFON with their story, they made the comment that they did not believe in UFO's. But when questioned at their property, he said that he believes that "If we can go to the moon why couldn't they come here". He said that he was a big science fiction watcher etc. etc. He seemed uneasy at some of my questions although this could be my imagination. This is a list of things that I wrote down that I thought were interesting concerning Mr. Smith.

1) Since his surgery (heart) he claims to have "thin blood" and occasionally has nose bleeds, but from what he says they come with severe headaches located behind his forehead. It is interesting to note that on the morning of the "incident" he had a nose bleed and headache that lasted all day. He thought it was sinus related.

2) He claims that since his surgery he has had a daily case of heartburn. But since this incident, he no longer has the heartburn.

3) He had a UFO sighting in the 50's or 60's. When he reported it to the Air Force they told him it was a weather balloon, and he said he was made to feel like a fool.

4) He claims that he often tells his wife "Look, there goes a UFO" and points up in the air.

5) He is of Irish - German (Pennsylvania - Dutch) ancestry. His wife is French - American Indian (Comanche)

6) The cat acts very strangely at the point of the occurrence. Historically it eats on the porch, and will only eat away from the house. When taken inside it will not walk on the carpet, it jumps from furniture to furniture. It's health is deteriorating according to the family, due to it's new eating habits.

7) Wife describes a paralyzed feeling for 2-3 nights in a row, feels something in her ear, doctor says nothing is wrong, although she has an earache. She describes a feeling as though a small boy was standing on top of her bed. Entity was described to lie on her left by night table at one point.

8) The physical evidence left on ground is very interesting. A graphite like spray has been left on the ground in a exhaust like spray. One marking is of a 3/4 perfect circle. I found the spray on the underside of a plant to be very confusing (see illustration). It is as though the spray went along the ground and then sprayed on the underside of the leaf then sprayed on the ground again. I suppose the weight of the spray could have caused leaf to bend down and the spray to be on the underside by the time we arrived.

Additional comments: It should be noted that the daughter who experienced the event had a brilliant fluorescence on her body. Mr. Sims took skin samples. The fluorescence appears to be sub-dermal vs. surface coloration.

There was a crop circle - like growth of fungus appearing on the ground at the Smith's home. A second circle was discovered 20 miles away and was 23' across and a third and final circle appeared at the daughter's home. These all appeared on the morning of Mother's Day, 1995.

(Picture top left)
MUTILATIONS: Cattle mutilations have attracted a great deal of attention, primarily because they are a large and costly animal. However, it should be noted that smaller animals and pets have been mutilated and on rare occasions, (perhaps) humans.

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